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Chief Instructor Profile: Name: Mr. Daniel Farrell

Since 1998, Mr Daniel Farrell has trained in the art of Tae Kwon Do. He started off inspired by his father and brother who were already accomplished martial artists. With his brother, Mr James Farrell, as his instructor and his father, Mr Desmond Farrell, for inspiration Mr D. Farrell was pushed from the start to accomplish all that he could in his training. After a year of training, Mr D. Farrell had passed three gradings and giving him his green belt to step up into the intermediate stage of Cho's Tae Kwon Do. So along came the time of year for the AIMAA National competition where Mr Farrell came first in his first ever sparing competition and second in the patterns section against grades up to purple belts. This was a huge accomplishment for him and this pushed him to train harder in his training...

Next were the First AIMAA World Championships, this was a huge day not just for the competitors from all over the globe but also for the association. Mr Farrell came out with two medals after competing with Martial Artists from all over the world including a Brazilian Capoeira fighter, a Scottish Kickboxer and many more. From that day onwards, Mr Farrell has enjoyed watching and learning from all other Martial Arts everywhere taking in the best bits of everything to help him learn in the complete Martial Art which is AIMAA.

Mr Farrell received his Black belt under the European Director, Master John Darcy in September 2002. When he came to DCU a year later he knew that he had to set up a school in DCU and allow other people to be a part of what is now one of the fastest growing associations in Ireland with over 1000 members and growing, becoming the youngest Tae Kwon Do instructor in AIMAA. In December 2004 Mr. Daniel Farrell attained his second degree black belt, an honour that has be obtained by a select few so far, and competed in the second world championships again leaving this massive event with two medals. November 2008 marked a huge achievement for Mr Farrell when he attained his third degree black belt.

Now Chief Instructor of the Panthers School Of Tae Kwon Do based in DCU, Mr Farrell trains everyday, whether it be teaching in DCU, training with his instructor Mr James Farrell or just in the gym, he is an inspiration to us and we who train under him aspire to attain our goals in Tae Kwon Do with our persevering Instructor Mr Daniel Farrell.


Club Committee 2008

Chair Person - Nora O'Brien
Secretary - Richard Sloane
Treasurer - Aoife O'Brien
PRO – Neil Harrington
First year rep – Emma Walsh
Equipment Officer – Jack Connelly

If you have any questions for the committee just drop an email to pantherstkd@gmail.com and we will get back to you!


DCU TKD – Our club!

DCU TKD Club is one of the newest and most exciting martial arts clubs in DCU. We officially opened only in 2003 and already boast a staggering 120 members! We are affiliated with the Action International Martial Arts Association however all styles of martial arts are welcome. In 2007, the club won most improved club in DCU after defeating strong opposition. The club has continued to grow and develop on the back of this success(and is now totally awesome!!!)

About A.I.M.A.A.

The Action International Martial Arts Association (AIMAA) is an innovative and leading martial arts organisation dedicated to serve as the unifying body for Taekwon-Do and all martial arts styles. AIMAA was founded by Grandmaster Hee Il Cho in 1980.
The goal of AIMAA is to recognise each style of martial arts for its unique qualities and to unite the great universal spirit of peace and harmony - the fundamental elements found in the studying of all styles of martial arts.

AIMAA's unique style of Taekwon-do is a complete martial arts system. Our instructors offer more than just the art of Taekwon-do, students will also gain confidence, learn self defence, boxing, kickboxing, grappling (ground fighting) and much, much more. There are many reasons to joim AIMAA's Taekwon-do, here are just a few...

For Self-defense: Since one never knows when her or she may be attacked a knowledge of basic self defence, counter attacking and evading is ingrained in the practitioner so that in a real attack situation when 'the fight or filight hormone' adrenaline kicks in the individual's gross motor self defence tactics will also kick in

For Health: Taekwon-do is far more than just defensive methods. It is a superb means of mental and physical development. Taekwon-do practitioners are noted for their excellent health gained from regular practice of the art.

For Flexibility: Stretching forms a large portion of the Taekwon-do class as it is essential for the overall health of your body and helps to prevent injuries. The benefits of stretching are almost infinite as it aides in strengthening internal organs, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, increasing respiratory circulation, developing muscle tone, relaxing the mind and directly improving your flexibility.

What can be achieved through Taekwon-Do training? Taekwon-do builds dynamic tension and makes balanced use of a large number of body muscles. It provides excellent all around exercise and develops co-ordination and agility. Taekwon-do trains students in character, sincerity, effort, etiquette and self-control.

Who may learn Taekwon-do? Classes are open to men, women and children. All can learn and participate together. The degree of progress for any student is based on the individual's co-ordination and attentiveness.

Martial Arts training has survived for more than 1500 years not because it is the ultimate fighting system but because it provides society today with the same benefit it provided the Buddhist monks in the 4th century; the ultimate system of mental and physical conditioning. Better than any modern system of aerobics, martial arts training develops both internal cardiovascular system as well as external muscles. The movements are scientifically designed and executed for maximum efficiency and development so students of any age or sex will receive total benefit.

Further reading:

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